We invest in future leaders

If you seek to learn about yourself and the world through communication and collaboration, if you value dialogue, curiosity, the initiative to learn and discover, and if you value courageous and responsible encounters with yourself and others, we invite you to become part of the Sokratus community. Here, in a dynamic and engaging environment, free and happy individuals grow up, striving for the highest academic goalswhich We educate through creative action, emphasising the integrity and interconnectedness of subjects, guided by national and European values, and by fostering equal education in Lithuanian and English languages. "At Sokratus we aim to expanding the boundaries of linguistic, creative and cultural thinking, developing the ability to unleash individual strengths, finding original ways to be part of a community and to succeed in an increasingly globalised world.

Gintaras Tubelis. Head of Basic and Secondary Education

Values shape the future

In education, it is important to be able to create, to see the eyes of students shining, to see open hearts, to believe that goodness is a great force, to see happy children, happy parents and happy teachers. We are educators to the core: we will not pass by a dropped piece of litter or a misbehaving person. We have always cared about education in a global sense - how we educate our young people determines what kind of country we will be. The values we uphold are the values we will live in. Now neuroscience is also proving that, according to transactional analysis, life spirals and the first 12 years of life are very important. So it is never too early to talk about values in primary education, to develop them.

Jūratė Šečkutė-Mikulskienė. Head of Primary Education


A safe school that promotes humanistic values, is dynamic and engaging, develops mature and happy individuals and leaders of the future, and whose learning outcomes are recognised at national and international level.

To develop a free and happy, creative personality, guided by national and European values, and striving for the highest levels of recognised learning achievement and leadership.

The Aim
A bilingual school with equal education in Lithuanian and English, aiming to develop a free and happy, creative personality, striving for the highest recognised educational achievements and a successful career.

The education system
A comprehensive education system based on humanistic philosophy. It is based on an individual orientation, where each pupil can master the curriculum at his or her own pace.


Education focused on developing children's achievements and abilities

Low number of pupils in classrooms

Full-day school

Balance in education

Continuous feedback

Quick problem resolution

Convenient city location

Facilities adapted to the needs of pupils

Bilingual education

Cambridge Programme


Growing up in a safe environment, with prompt and professional help when problems arise

Receive high-quality, differentiated and child-centred education

Enjoys extra-curricular activities

Kindergarten education

Pre-school education is organised for children from the age of 1.5 years. In kindergarten, we flexibly adapt different educational systems and a variety of methods, which are integrated in the development and implementation of the educational content. Education is focused not only on knowledge in specific areas, but also on the development of the child's achievements and abilities. The content of the education is designed according to children's specific needs and abilities, focusing on their individual achievements.

Pre-school education (0)

Pre-primary education is organised for children aged 5-7, who are prepared according to the pre-primary curriculum and the supplementary concept of lyceum education. Pre-primary education is a flexible approach to different educational systems and teaching methods, which are integrated into the pre-primary curriculum. Education is focused not only on knowledge in specific areas, but also on developing the child's achievements and abilities and preparing him/her for school in a way that is individualised and adapted to the child's abilities, needs and potential. 

Primary education (1-4)

The Primary phase covers teaching and learning in grades 1-4. Children who are 7 years old in the calendar year are enrolled in Grade 1, but children younger than 6 years old who have completed their pre-primary education programme may be enrolled. Primary education is based on the balanced integration of all areas of education (moral, linguistic, mathematical, natural sciences, social, artistic, technological, physical education, health). Education is organised according to the learner's individual abilities, ensuring the learner's quality participation in common learning activities and group learning (developing social and communicative competences). Education is based on an integrated teaching strategy.

Primary education (Years 5-12)

We are interdisciplinary, combining knowledge from different disciplines to complement and strengthen subject competences. In line with the content, achievements and age of the pupils, we focus on cognitive, cultural, artistic and creative activities, so some of our activities are organised in environments other than the school.

Non-formal education

Non-formal education at the Lyceum is based on providing children with a wide range of knowledge and developing their physical and mental abilities. From the wide range of non-formal education on offer, we select only those activities for our pupils that are led by professional non-formal education leaders - experts in their field, people who love what they do.


"The school community is amazing, like a family. We are pleased that there is also a strong focus on physical activity for the children: they don't sit in the four walls all day, they even have two outdoor recesses every day, and dance and theatre classes to keep them even more active.
Taip pat svarbu, jog nereikia kiekvieną dieną tempti sunkių kuprinių su vadovėliais ir pavargus po visos dienos padėti ruošti trečiokei namų darbus, nes beveik viską atlieka mokykloje per tam skirtą namų darbų ruošos laiką. Ir pats svarbiausias dalykas – dukra nenori praleisti nei dienos ir ypač džiaugiasi, keliaudama į mokyklą“,

Agnė ir Elvinas, Adelės (3kl.) tėvai.

Džiaugiuosi, kad radau mokyklą, į kurią jaunuolis noriai eina. Mokykloje turime mokytojų ir administracijos kolektyvą, kuris deda visas pastangas, kad sudomintų ir įtrauktų ne tik į pamokas, bet ir į užklasinę veiklą, nuoširdžiai rūpinasi vaikų psichologine gerove. Man, kaip mamai, saugi aplinka ir tvarus bendradarbiavimas tarp mokinių, suaugusiųjų mokykloje ir tėvų yra labai svarbus. Ačiū už dedamas pastangas naviguoti ir vesti sudėtingame, pokyčių pilname švietimo ir ugdymo pasaulyje.“

Rita, Dovydo (10kl.) mama.



Man, kaip mamai, labai svarbu, kad dukra noriai eina į „Sokratus“ ir kasdien pasidalina, kiek žinių įgijo ir įdomių veiklų vyko! Ugdymas čia įvairiapusis, o integruotos veiklos sudomina kiekvieną. Džiugina, kad su vaikais bendraujama aktualiomis tos dienos ar savaitės temomis, plačiai supažindinama su supančia aplinka – kaip buvo prieš, kas yra šiandien ir kas lauktų ateityje: nuo fosilijų iki kosmoso, nuo tiksliųjų mokslų iki bandymų patiems užsiauginti daržoves"

Raminta, Emili (1kl.) mama.

