Pre-school education (0)

Pre-primary education is organised for children aged 5-7, who are prepared according to the pre-primary curriculum and the supplementary concept of lyceum education. Pre-primary education is a flexible approach to different educational systems and teaching methods, which are integrated into the pre-primary curriculum. Education is focused not only on knowledge in specific areas, but also on developing the child's achievements and abilities and preparing him/her for school in a way that is individualised and adapted to the child's abilities, needs and potential. Particular attention is paid to the development of (pre-) reading skills. The content and learning activities shall be organised in forms of learning that are acceptable to pre-school children: exploration, experimentation, play, imitation, experience in a safe learning environment.


  • Coherent education that integrates the different stages of education, from pre-school to secondary school;
  • Comprehensive support for learning problems (speech therapist, psychologist, educational specialists);
  • Cooperation with the academic community of Vytautas Magnus University;
  • Cambridge English, art, music, dance and theatre classes, organised and run by subject teachers in collaboration with the pre-school teacher;
  • Digital literacy sessions at the STREAM Children's Lab.;
  • Educational activities are naturally integrated into the daily routine, ensuring a balanced daily rhythm that is appropriate to the age and individual nature of the child;
  • Individual assessment of children's achievements and cooperation with the family to prepare the child for school.



  • Education and basic activities take place in the pre-school classroom, which has work and rest areas. Dance, physical education and art classes are held in separate rooms adapted for these activities;
  • Classrooms are equipped with computers, video projectors and interactive displays. Tablets, robots, etc. are used as needed in the educational process;
  • The pre-school group uses a safe outdoor play area that is inaccessible to unauthorised people, and when needed, activities take place in the school's safe outdoor spaces;
  • Pre-primary children can also use the school's recreation areas (reading, interactive games, etc.);
  • Meals are provided in the school canteen;
  • The group is staffed by the main teacher, a teaching assistant and subject teachers.



Time Activities
8:30 am Morning Circle, educational activities
9:00 am Breakfast, break
9:30-11:55 am Educational activities, breaks, outdoor time
11:55 am Lunch, outdoor break
12:45-14:50 Educational activities, breaks, outdoor time, games
14:50-15:05 Snack
15:05-18:30 End of lessons, after-school group, clubs

The Lyceum is open 7:15-18.30. Pre-school children can be looked after throughout the summer.


Name Price
Monthly fee (payable over 10 months) 535 Eur/month
Monthly fee (payable July-August) 435 Eur/month
Catering price 9,90 Eur/d.
School year fee 480 Eur/m.
The price of the services is based on the compensation of EUR 120 from Vilnius Municipality (if the parents are not eligible for compensation from Vilnius Municipality, the price of the educational services increases by EUR 120).

The monthly fee (September-June) includes:

  • Daily pre-school education 8.30-16:00;
  • Early morning childcare from 7:15 am;
  • Psychological consultation;
  • Speech and language therapy consultation;
  • English, music, theatre, dance and art classes (taught by subject specialists).
Included in the school year fee:
  • Providing exercise books, common learning tools;
  • Tools for art lessons, experiments, etc;
  • Hygiene and maintenance supplies;
  • Educational excursions in Vilnius (costs of event tickets, educational programmes)*;
  • Software and other licences;
  • Community events at the Lyceum;
  • Accident insurance.
    *two trips per year (excluding transport costs) are included in the annual fee.
Other fees:
  • Meals: breakfast - 1,50 Eur, lunch - 6,20 Eur, dinner - 2,20 Eur;
  • If special food is ordered for children with allergies, an additional surcharge applies;
  • After-school care (16.00-18.30) - 85 Eur/month or 6 Eur/d;
  • The cost of the Lyceum uniform;
  • Cost of extra activities (swimming, chess, robotics, martial arts, ceramics, speech therapy, etc.).