clubs run by professionals in a specific field: chess, robotics, swimming, dance, ceramics, golf, etc.

Kindergarten education
Pre-school education (0)
Pre-primary education is organised for children aged 5-7, who are prepared according to the pre-primary curriculum and the supplementary concept of lyceum education. Pre-primary education is a flexible approach to different educational systems and teaching methods, which are integrated into the pre-primary curriculum. Education is focused not only on knowledge in specific areas, but also on developing the child's achievements and abilities and preparing him/her for school in a way that is individualised and adapted to the child's abilities, needs and potential.

Primary education (1-4)
The Primary phase covers teaching and learning in grades 1-4. Children who are 7 years old in the calendar year are enrolled in Grade 1, but children younger than 6 years old who have completed their pre-primary education programme may be enrolled. Primary education is based on the balanced integration of all areas of education (moral, linguistic, mathematical, natural sciences, social, artistic, technological, physical education, health). Education is organised according to the learner's individual abilities, ensuring the learner's quality participation in common learning activities and group learning (developing social and communicative competences). Education is based on an integrated teaching strategy.
Primary education (Years 5-12)
We are interdisciplinary, combining knowledge from different disciplines to complement and strengthen subject competences. In line with the content, achievements and age of the pupils, we focus on cognitive, cultural, artistic and creative activities, so some of our activities are organised in environments other than the school.